Dreamtime Storytelling Masterclass

The Dreamtime Storytelling Masterclass began in 2022 and is a five-day intensive writing workshop for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander writers.

The Dreamtime Storytelling Masterclass began in 2022 and is a five-day intensive writing workshop for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander writers. The Masterclass is hosted by Leah Purcell and Elders of Koa Aboriginal Corporation.

This immersive opportunity supports practitioners with deeper insights into effective storytelling, provides feedback on their scripts and assistance in advancing their screenwriting careers. Successful screenwriters are then offered the opportunity to further develop their concept into future productions after the Masterclass.

In 2023, the masterclass was partially funded by the Vision Splendid Outback Film Festival thanks to Screen Queensland.

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Who //

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander screenwriters

What //



During the Vision Splendid Outback Film Festival in June

Where //


How //

Applications open early 2024

Loved becoming more familiar with Winton and the community, going to see the dinosaurs and Butterfly Dreaming
DSM participant
It is great that the workshop feels purpose and results driven and that we are all building creative partnerships that can endure.
DSM participant
Quotation Mark
Quotation Mark