AbOut Kolperi
In a traditional education environment, it's easy for students to focus on outcomes and assessment rather than connection, storytelling and purpose. Kolperi exists as a recognition that traditional models of education have limitations, and endeavours to fill that gap. The Kolperi Outback Filmmaking Bootcamp model has been strategically developed to place students in an environment where the local landscape and community are at a forefront. Kolperi is also a launchpad for student's careers. The current program demonstrates a linear pipeline from School - Tertiary - Alumni - Industry. The program provides participants with incredible opportunities to network with current Industry professionals, seek feedback during the creation of their films, and work alongside professional production crews as part ofthe Industry Co-Production program.

Previous participants have utilised the program to launch their careers across a variety of streams including filmmaking, advertising, animation, arts management, and screenwriting. As Kolperi expands, we hope to provide this immersive, inclusive and community-based education platform to students Queensland-wide.
See Our Programs
The Kolperi Outback Filmmaking Bootcamp model has been strategically developed to place students in an environment where the local landscape and community are at a forefront. We believe community and connection forms the basis of human experience, and filmmaking is simply a tool to capture community storytelling.
The Kolperi Outback Filmmaking Bootcamp model has been strategically developed to place students in an environment where the local landscape and community are at a forefront. We believe community and connection forms the basis of human experience, and filmmaking is simply a tool to capture community storytelling.
The Kolperi Outback Filmmaking Bootcamp model has been strategically developed to place students in an environment where the local landscape and community are at a forefront. We believe community and connection forms the basis of human experience, and filmmaking is simply a tool to capture community storytelling.
In Regional

Director's Statement

The founding of Kolperi Outback Filmmaking represents thousands upon thousands of hours of collective investment from participants and partners across the globe in search of new ways to make cinematic storytelling more accessible, sustainable and impactful. This groundwork has been intense for the team and a labour of love for all of us. We’ve received important recognition through national and university awards for innovation and excellence in teaching, and we are excited that festivals are increasingly selecting our films. But with nearly ten years of Bootcamps, it is our graduates’ successes that consistently inspire us to keep going. Many are now making significant progress in the industry and trailblazing innovative forms of storytelling”

The Team

The Team

Simon is a writer, creative consultant and lecturer who has assisted Kolperi programs for the last 10 years. Simon has led the previous Kolperi screenwriting masterclasses, assisted in event logistics, and mentors Kolperi participants in script development.

Simon Taylor

Script Development Mentor

Mic is a Koa- Guwa elder and the Cultural Mentor and Advisor for all Kolperi programs. Mic has been a crucial team member for the last 10 years, guiding Kolperi’s strategic development, assisting participants with storytelling and providing cultural and history education.

Michael Mace

Cultural Mentor and Advisor

Dr Peter Moyes has taught in animation history for the last thirty years after completing his Bachelor in Animation in 1993. A Creative Producer of animation projects, Peter has worked on live music/animation collaborations, colour music and infrasonic projects in VR, on country landscape animation, community projects and more. As animation lead, Peter has been a vital team member for Kolperi bootcamps.

Peter Moyes

Animation Lead

Alessandria first participated in the Kolperi Film and Animation Bootcamp as a student in 2017 and joined as Production Manager in 2019. Alessandria has also been involved as crew on Kolperi Co-industry productions, been a panelist for Kolperi Industry Days, and has also been involved in numerous Griffith Film School International bootcamps.

Alessandria Riding

Bootcamp Production Manager

Shannon was first involved in the Film and Animation Bootcamp, providing logistics and Event Management support as part of her university internship in 2017. She returned in 2018 as a volunteer, and then eventually became staff from 2019 onwards. Shannon has since been involved as cast and crew on numerous Alumni and Co-industry productions and now works for Kolperi as a Project Coordinator across all programs.

Shannon Maugham

Project Coordinator

Ashley Burgess is the Head of Special Projects and International Convener at the Griffith Film School. In 2013 Ashley took a small group of Griffith Film School students to Winton to be involved in the Vision Splendid Outback Film Festival. This partnership, in conjunction with Winton Shire Council and the Koa-

Guwa Elders have grown over the last 10 years creating Kolperi Outback Filmmaking. Kolperi’s programs have been inspired from Ashley’s career working abroad in Vanuatu, Thailand and Birma, creating films centered in collaboration and authentic storytelling.

Ashley Burgess

Kolperi Director & Film Lead