Chris Slater
Chris Slater
Chris Slater

After a successful career in aviation with QANTAS, Chris returned to Griffith Film School to pursue his dual dream of becoming a scriptwriter and film maker. Since graduating, Chris has continued writing scripts, making short films, and working on his feature documentary, whilst working as a creative producer and writer at Surge Media. Chris’s has also forged an acting career and has appeared in dozens of short films, several feature films, television commercials, and live theatre. As a voice over artist, Chris has also appeared on many other projects, including audio books and radio plays. As a member of the internet comedy channel Crackermilk, Chris is now reaching a worldwide audience, with their videos regularly clocking millions of views. Chris’s most recent work has been playing the lead role in the feature film “Santa Hunters”.

Kolperi Involvement
Griffith Film School Student //
Grad/Industry //
2018 Outback Writer's Lab 2019 Outback Writer's Lab 2020 Outback Bootcamp- Industry Co-Production - ‘Flat Hill’, ‘The Aussie’, & Writers Room (Actor Writer)
Mentor/Staff //

"I first went to Kolperi as a member of a writers lab where we were invited to work on a script and pitch our ideas at the end of the two weeks. I was very pleased when my idea was selected, however I was beyond excited when that script subsequently went into production on location in Kolperi, despite it being at the height of covid restrictions. That experience has been life changing, but I would also say that many other aspects of my Kolperi experience have been equally monumental in my personal life and career. Gaining a deeper connection to country, experiencing a completely different filmmaking mindset, and making lifelong industry friends, are just some of the rewards Kolperi offers. It’s no exaggeration to say that the vast majority of work I do these days is a direct result of the friends and connections I have made in my many trips to Kolperi. Truly, the effect Kolperi has had on my life has been immeasurable."